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Ini adalah IAES Nawala dari Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. Hari ini kami akan berbagi kabar tentang microstrip patch antenna. Microstrip patch antenna adalah antena planar datar yang digunakan untuk komunikasi secara wireless. Antena ini ringkas, tidak mencolok, dan cocok untuk berbagai aplikasi seperti komunikasi satelit dan perangkat RFID. Menurut Suriyan dan Ramaingam (2023), microstrip patch antenna adalah komponen penting dalam sistem komunikasi wireless dan memiliki berbagai manfaat di berbagai bidang seperti radar, GPS, dan mobile communication. Berbagai metode telah dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja antena ini.

Microstrip patch antenna review on various parameters, methods and its applications

Kannadhasan Suriyan, Nagarajan Ramaingam

The implementations of the microstrip patch antenna for wireless local area network (WLAN) and worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) are analyzed in the literature in this research. Dual or multiband antenna has played a significant part in meeting the expectations of wireless service in this quickly developing world of wireless communication. Basically, a transitory guide, an antenna is a device that emits or absorbs radio waves. Numerous benefits exist for microstrip patch antennas, including affordability, portability, simplicity of construction, and compatibility with integrated circuits. This has several important uses in the military, radar, mobile communications, global positioning system (GPS), remote sensing, and more. In mobile devices like portable computers and smartphones, WLAN and WiMAX are often used.

Pengembangan metode ini dimulai oleh Altufaili dkk (2022) mengenai microstrip patch antenna melingkar telah dirancang dan disimulasikan untuk aplikasi 5G. Antena ini memenuhi persyaratan sistem dengan bandwidth yang besar, ukuran yang ringkas, dan kecepatan data yang tinggi. Desainnya mencakup geometri melingkar dengan dua lingkaran: lingkaran pertama dengan jari-jari 2,5 mm dan lingkaran kedua dengan jari-jari 1 mm. Desain yang disimulasikan menggunakan teknologi studio gelombang mikro, hasil yang didapat menunjukkan kinerja yang menjanjikan untuk aplikasi 5G dengan ukuran yang ringkas, efisiensi tinggi, dan beberapa frekuensi resonansi.

Design of circular-shaped microstrip patch antenna for 5G applications

Mohammed Mahdi Salih Altufaili, Ameer Najm Najaf, Zainab Sabah Idan

Using circular geometry has a great influence on many fields of science and engineering, one of which is antenna. Communication systems were oriented towards fifth generation (5G) because of large- bandwidth systems, compact requirements, high-data rates. In this research, a design and simulation are made to a microstrip circular patch antenna. The patch has two circles a compact structure of the first circle radius is 2.5 mm and second circle radius is 1 mm with thickness 0.35 mm. The proposed antenna has three resonant frequencies 41.08 GHz with a return loss of -12.4 dB, 47.4 at -18.86 dB and 54.4 at return loss -24.3 dB. The bandwidths are 150 MHz, 222 MHz and 219 MHz, the gains of three resonant frequencies are 6.16 dB, 9.89 dB and 5.54 dB, with efficiency of 98%. A technique of inset feed transmission line was utilized to match the fifty Ω microstrip feedline and the radiating patch. Based upon the proposed design, a Roger RT Duroid 5880 substrate that possesses loss tangent of 0.0009 with a height of 0.5 mm and a dielectric constant of 2.2 is employed. A computational process is conducted and analyzed by the use of computer simulation technology microwave studio.

Pengembangan tersebut dilanjutkan oleh Didi dkk (2022), mereka mengembangkan microstrip patch antenna dengan slot persegi panjang yang dirancang untuk aplikasi 5G pada frekuensi 28 GHz. Desain antena mencakup penggunaan slot persegi panjang dengan dimensi 2,5 mm x 5 mm yang ditempatkan di bagian tengah patch untuk meningkatkan bandwidth antena. Dengan slot persegi panjang pada patch pemancar, antena ini dapat digunakan untuk transmisi data berkecepatan tinggi dalam jaringan 5G.

Design of a microstrip antenna patch with a rectangular slot for 5G applications operating at 28 GHz

Salah-Eddine Didi, Imane Halkhams, Mohammed Fattah, Younes Balboul, Said Mazer, Moulhime El Bekkali

In this paper, we present a study and design of a rectangular-shaped microstrip patch antenna with a rectangular shaped slot at the operating frequency is 28GHz, for fifth generation (5G) wireless applications, using the microstrip line technique for feeding. The objective of this slot is to contribute to the improvement of antenna performance. This antenna is built on a Roger RT duroid 5880 type substrate having a relative permittivity equal to 2.2, a height of h = 0.5 mm, and a loss tangent of 0.0009. The compact size of this antenna is 4.2 mm × 3.3 mm × 0.5 mm. The simulations of this antenna were performed using high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) and computer simulation technology (CST) software whose main purpose is to confirm the results obtained for this proposed antenna. The results obtained during these simulations are as follows: resonant frequency of 27.97 GHz and reflection coefficient) of -20.95 dB, bandwidth of 1.06 GHz, a gain of 7.5 dB, radiated power of 29.9 dBm, and efficiency of 99.83%. These results obtained by this proposed antenna are better than those obtained from already existing antennas that are published in current scientific journals. Consequently, this antenna is likely to satisfy the needs for 5G wireless communication applications.

Rana dkk. (2023) melanjutkan dengan mengembangkan microstrip patch antenna yang dirancang dan disimulasikan untuk aplikasi wireless pada 3,6 GHz. Antena ini memiliki frekuensi resonansi 3,6 GHz dan lebar pita 100 MHz, dengan penguatan 5,5 dBi. Antena ini menunjukkan hasil yang menjanjikan untuk digunakan dalam sistem komunikasi wireless.

Design, simulation, and analysis of microstrip patch antenna for wireless applications operating at 3.6 GHz

Md. Sohel Rana, Tahasin Ahmed Fahim, Shuvashis Biswas Rana, Russel Mahbub, Md. Mostafizur Rahman

In this study, a microstrip patch antenna that works at 3.6 GHz was built and tested to see how well it works. In this work, Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 has been used as the substrate material, with a dielectric permittivity of 2.2 and a thickness of 0.3451 mm; it serves as the base for the examined antenna. The computer simulation technology (CST) studio suite is utilized to show the recommended antenna design. The goal of this study was to get a more extensive transmission capacity, a lower voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and a lower return loss, but the main goal was to get a higher gain, directivity, and efficiency. After simulation, the return loss, gain, directivity, bandwidth, and efficiency of the supplied antenna are found to be -17.626 dB, 9.671 dBi, 9.924 dBi, 0.2 GHz, and 97.45%, respectively. Besides, the recreation uncovered that the transfer speed side-lobe level at phi was much better than those of the earlier works, at -28.8 dB, respectively. Thus, it makes a solid contender for remote innovation and more robust communication.

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Redaksi: I. Busthomi