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Ini adalah Nawala IAES dari Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. Hari ini kami akan berbagi kabar tentang perkembangan sistem embedded. Contoh sistem embedded yang umum diantaranya termasuk mikrokontroler di peralatan rumah tangga, sistem navigasi di mobil, sistem kontrol di mesin industri, dan masih banyak lagi. Mengembangkan sistem embedded melibatkan perancangan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan yang ada. Diantara pengembangan sistem embedded adalah Embedded Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). MEMS merupakan perangkat kecil yang mengintegrasikan komponen mekanis dan elektrik pada satu chip. Baghdadi dkk. (2022) melakukan penelitian yang membahas mengenai pengurangan tegangan pull-in untuk pengoperasian perangkat MEMS. Pengurangan tegangan pull-in penting untuk dilakukan, sehingga pengoperasian perangkat menjadi lebih aman dan andal. Karena pada dasarnya pengurangan tegangan tersebut dapat membantu menghindari aktuasi dini dan potensi kerusakan pada perangkat MEMS. Lebih lengkap terkait penelitiannya tersebut dapat dilihat pada artikel berikut:

Features measurement analysis of pull-in voltage for embedded MEMS

Hajar Baghdadi, Mohamed Lamhamdi, Karim Rhofir

The embedded micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) is a technology that is creating a new era in all fields and especially in the internet of things (IoT) field. MEMS are necessary components for the realization of tiny micro/nano circuits. For this reason, designers are facing many challenges in designing embedded MEMS for achieving efficient products. The pull-in voltage is one of the most important parameters of MEMS design. In this work, we are interested in the analysis of some geometrical and mechanical parameters for the pull-in. The objective is to study of the concept of pull-in voltage in order to reduce it. First, we made a simulation to choose the appropriate material achieving a lower pull-in voltage. Then, we analysed the impact of geometrical parameters on the pull-in voltage. In this work, Finite element method using COMSOL Multiphysics® software is employed to compute the Pull-in voltage and study the behaviour of the MEMS Switch in order to optimize it. Pull-in voltage can be reduced by careful selection of the cantilever material and it can be further reduced by changing the beam parameters.

Selain pengembangan embedded MEMS, Kumar dkk. (2022) mengembangkan sebuah embedded sensors di dalam penelitian mereka. Penelitian tersebut bertujuan untuk mengotomatisasi aktivitas kantor yang berpusat pada karyawan seperti otentikasi, pemberitahuan jadwal meeting, hingga menyalakan/mematikan komputer. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan gambaran baru mengenai penggunaan teknologi untuk mengotomatisasi aktivitas kantor dan meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan. Adapun artikel selengkapnya dapat diakses pada halaman berikut:

Design and implementation of an automated office environment system using embedded sensors

Anil Kumar, Sanket S Naik Dessai, Shivaprasad Yadav

Office automation is the process using machines with the help of embedded computing perform the office activities and its tools and applications. The office automated using computer-aided processing stored, visual and audio data to simplify, improve, and automate the power saving and time management of the organization. A very important component of office automation concerns the automation of employee centred activities such as authentication, automatic alerting of appointments and automatic powering on/off personal computer. The employee image is captured using Java media framework, attendance records for all employees is gathered and processed automatically, and they can be accessed from the database on a monthly or weekly basis. The various software and hardware components of the system were developed and integrated to form the Exypnos Office System and validated on real life scenarios. Java proved to be a versatile platform for implementing a project of this nature with diverse requirements. Web camera interfacing and image capturing are implemented in the Java environment with the help of Java media framework (JMF). Java short message service (SMS) application programming interface (API) and Bluetooth technology is used for sending schedules through SMS. Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems use many different frequencies, but the most common and widely used and supported by our reader is 125 kHz. Office automation systems have more benefits to an organization. The project is implemented on MS Windows platform and in future can be implemented in Linux platform.

Beberapa artikel di atas merupakan bagian kecil dari penelitian mengenai perkembangan sistem embedded. Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut, pembaca dapat mengunjungi laman International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES) dan membaca artikel secara GRATIS melalui tautan berikut:

Redaksi: I. Busthomi